The Lane of Roses Team wants to engage with you, empower you, and equip you to live out your God-given purpose! We want to provide you with as many resources as we can. We are not licensed or registered mental or medical healthcare providers.
The content, resources, and services that we provide on our website, blog, Instagram, Facebook page, Pinterest, and all other mediums are not substitutes for the knowledge, skill, and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, or other health care professionals. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. We cannot prevent, diagnose, or treat conditions or ailments of any kind. However, we would love to help connect you to any of the above mentioned mental or medical healthcare providers!
When utilizing any of our resources, you acknowledge that you are doing so voluntarily and that you alone are responsible for choices and results that come from the use of our content, resources, or services. Additionally, you accept full responsibility for anything you choose to use or participate in currently and in the future. Lastly, you agree that any results that come from using information and/or services provided by Lane of Roses cannot be guaranteed, and depend on your efforts, intentions, actions, and God’s work in you and through you.
If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
If you’re having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or at 988 to talk to a skilled and trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time.